What Dangers Do You Think Fire Ants Will Cause if It Continues to Live in the New Environment

The Dangers Of Fire Ants

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Fire ants can attack most of Australia's shoreline regions and big regions of the tropical west of Australia, including world heritage fields and national parks. Fire ants are very violent and prey on creatures living on the floor like insects, frogs, reptiles, birds and mammals. As a consequence, some of Australia's indigenous livestock, including endangered birds, could be displaced or removed. Fire ants are also a threat to native plants because they eat and damage seeds and seedlings, as well as some of the insects and animals that pollinate native plants. These impacts can cause major disruptions to ecosystems over time.

The Queensland government's modelling demonstrates that fire ants in south-east Queensland alone can earn the state an approximately $45 billion in Australian dollars. Costs include effects on crops, equipment and facilities. Fire ants destroy farm livestock and plants, especially susceptible to young cattle, according to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

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The Australian government reacted quickly with the injection of important original resources to the identification of fire ants in Brisbane in 2001. However, latest incursions indicate that, amid an allegedly powerful quarantine concentrate, the fire ant remains to break Australia's boundaries. Also, important delays were observed between entry and identification. For instance, the 2014 incursion is unlikely to have been identified for two to three years after entry. Experts claim that financing is needed for efficient domestic monitoring and eradication programs while there is still a short period of a chance to effectively eradicate the fire ant. A latest financial study found that in the longer term each dollar invested on eradication would save $25. Due to their sting, which creates a painful, burning feeling, fire ants are a severe danger to human health. They swarm constantly to attack and sting.

Stings can be fatal if there is a serious allergic response (anaphylaxis) and specialists predict that if they spread, fire ants could be liable for up to 3,000 anaphylactic reactions in Australia every year. If the blisters or pustules resulting from the stings are broken, there is also a danger of secondary infection. Also, fire ants could seriously interrupt the outdoor lifestyle of Australia, as was the case in the United States where fire ants were liable for 85 fatalities. Every day, such as barbecues, picnics and sports Events in extremely infested regions may no longer be feasible. Animals and domestic animals may also be stung and wounded, with allergic reactions or blinded by venom exposure.

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The Dangers Of Fire Ants. (2022, February 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-dangers-of-fire-ants/

"The Dangers Of Fire Ants." Edubirdie, 27 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/the-dangers-of-fire-ants/

The Dangers Of Fire Ants. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-dangers-of-fire-ants/> [Accessed 21 Oct. 2022].

The Dangers Of Fire Ants [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 27 [cited 2022 Oct 21]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-dangers-of-fire-ants/


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Source: https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-dangers-of-fire-ants/

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